Warm greetings from EC-JP, CBCB! Creation is under attack. This Season of Creation - from September 1 to October 4th, 2020 - is an opportunity to wake up the world - for each of us to become beacons of hope and inspiration for a better future. Together, we have the power to ignite a bold global cry for climate justice, and there couldn’t be a more important time for that action.
In less than a week, the world’s 2.4 billion Christians will unite to pray and take action for our common home. Millions of Christians around the globe will take action for our common home September 1 to October 4 - and your contribution is essential.
As a global Christian family, Christians on six continents will discover radically new ways to care for and to live with creation. More than listening to the cry of creation, together, we will take action. Whether your action is large or small - everything we do has a ripple effect, inspiring more and more people to action.
Respected all, here’s why your participation matters: as Pope Francis reminds us, “we can only come out of this situation together, with humanity as a whole.” Pope Francis has called us all to take part in the Season of Creation. He wants us to let “our prayer be inspired anew by closeness to nature” and to undertake “prophetic actions.”
Respected all, creation needs you. Respond to the cry of creation and join the global Christian family as it celebrates in local Christian family the Season of Creation September 1 to October 4, 2020.
Are you ready to take the next step?
1. Participating in the season of creation (September 1 to October 4, 2020) and encourage your friends to do same;
2. Organizing a prayer service for your community, arrange recollection; prepare homily on Laudato Si’
3. Youth Commission prepared online presentation for students and youth “Connecting Youth/students to Nature,” kindly join them; educational institutions may join EC_youth_CBCB;
4. Teaching about Laudato Si and climate change; Developing ecological catechesis, Retreats, formation, Seminars & Workshops with small groups maintaining physical distance; resources are available; Using the cycle called 3Rs (1) Read – (2) Reflect – (3) Re-act method (See-Judge-Act); EC_JP_CBCB prepare 20 lessons cover LS 6 chapters, good for seminars, workshops in new normall;
5. Planning to celebrate in local Christian family the Season of Creation which will be celebrated on September 1 to October 4, 2020, focusing as the pastoral care of our common home; Sharing Experiences (stories & challenges) in dealing with caring our common home;
6. Finding and sharing the “Signs of Resurrection” experienced in the current crisis (during and post-pandemic). Many forms of concrete assistance rendered, challenges faced and strategies planned to continue the care of our common home;
7. Planting the trees or start a community garden, Laudato Si garden; the catholic Bishops’ conference of Bangladesh announces to plant 400,000 trees and Catholic Charity Caritas Bangladesh announces to plant 300,000 trees, kindly join us.
8. Making songs and art to celebrate Creation, participate in an online climate strike or work with your parish priest to do a Season of Creation service.
9. Networking with partners locally and internationally;
10. Publishing WEEKLY PROTIBESHI issue on creation on September 7-13, 2020, writing articles and reflection national newspapers and catholic newsletters.
Respected all, whether it’s attending a workshop online, taking action at home to lower your carbon footprint, or engaging your community to pray together for creation - there’s something each of us can - and must do - to bring about a better future.
Hence we request you kindly to take initiative & plan for the Season of Creation which will be celebrated on September 1 to October 4, 2020, in your Diocese, religious community, seminary, institution and parish.
Praying for action for our common home, It’s time to live out our values. Take action and join the Season of Creation today.
May HE continue
to shine on us so that we can reflect HIS image in our work and relationships.
With prayerful regards,
Fr. Liton Hubert Gomes, CSC
Executive Secretary, EC-JP, CBCB
Most Rev. Bishop Gervas
Rozario, DD,
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